How to Lose Weight by Walking

How to Lose Weight by Walking

Because you've tried everything else and you feel as if nothing will ever work! The weight just won't come off! Diets stink! You're not motivated to exercise or just don't have the time. 

Walking has so many powerful health benefits. Done correctly, it can be the key to losing weight, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, and boosting your memory, as well as reducing your risk for heart disease, diabetes, cancer and more! Incredible! (


 HOW TO lose weight by walking

 How Many Steps to Take to Lose Weight?

  •  The number of calories you can burn by walking is determined by your body weight and walking pace. On average, if you walk at a pace of 4 miles per hour (a common pace) you can burn roughly 400 calories per hour. 
  • To lose weight the average person needs to take about 2,000 steps in the average mile. One mile burns about 100 calories. This means your pedometer will help you keep track of your steps; how many miles you reach each day and how many calories you burn. It will also help you if you don’t have time to exercise. You can simply add steps to your daily routine.

    • 1 Mile = 2,000 steps and 100 calories burned
    • 1 Pound – 3,500 calories
    • 1 Pound weight loss per week = 500 calorie deficit per day
    • To lose 1 pound per week you need to add 10,000 steps to your day.


There are many walking variations to get more bang for your buck, such as...

  • Go up hill and down hill
  • Take the stairs 
  • Use your arms (attacks back and side fat)
  • Use arm or leg weights or both
  • Listen to music and take a faster pace 

 how to lose weight by walking

Do the Buddy Walking Challenge! 

How can you stay motivated to walk every day? Walk daily with a buddy! I recently heard about 2 friends that did a buddy walking challenge and it was fun, and weight was lost by both! 

These friends didn't even walk together. One worked a full-time job from 9-5, walked at work and after her workday. The other, worked from home and walked during and after her workday at home.   

They kept each other motivated by logging and comparing miles per day tracked by their favorite Fitbit. You could even do per month. 

Challenging each other by daily/monthly motivation texts and calls. They added a prize for the winner of each month. Prize ideas for winners are dinner, gift basket, cash, a massage, pedicure, new tennis shoes, or a gift cart. Make it fun! 

Use a Favorite Fitbit to Keep Track 

First, find the right Fitbit for you. Are you looking to find the most suitable Fitbit for yourself? Then take this "Which Fitbit is right for me quiz."

Fitness watches in 2022 are amazing! They come with so many beneficial features for your healthy monitoring. Here are a few. 

  • Activity 
  • Sleep 
  • Stress 
  • GPS 
  • Heart rate 
  • Calories
  • Miles 
  • Kilometers


 how to lose weight by walking

Lose Weight by Walking Your Pet

Your pet can be your walking buddy! Just up the pace a bit to stretch those muscles, get that heart rate up, and burn furious calories! 

Just be careful that your pace isn't too much for your pet. 

Get outdoors, walk more, feel better, and lose weight by walking. If you make it a routine, the weight stays off. It will be so worth it, don't you think? 

Here is another great article from Curly Girl Fitness about getting the most out of your walk. 

Try Speed Walking for Weight loss and a Mental Health Boost


Time to get moving! 

We are Curly Girl Fitness we want to support and encourage you and your family to take steps to live a healthier lifestyle! Visit our shop, check out our fitness apparel shop with styles you will love and that make perfect gifts! Shop Now. and for the Month of May grab the coupon code on top of home page! Save 20% off entire order! 


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