Feeling down lately? Holiday Blues or other challenges?
If your answer is yes, you may not be looking forward to the holidays.
Will you say you are sick? Will you just go and tough it out? Whichever choice you make, you will probably be miserable.
How can you feel happy again?
You can feel happy again, I promise you. It will take some work on your part, but your future is bright! Get to the bottom of it.
Let's look at some of life's biggest challenges.
- Losing someone (death or missing them)
- Money problems
- Relationship worries
- Struggling with a challenge
- Health issues (depression)
- Lonliness
- Career (job)
- Holiday blues
Life Challenges Teach Us
Remember that life's challenges help us to grow because we learn something from each one of them.
It may be hard to believe, but if you look hard enough, you'll find the lesson. Read our previous blog—It was extremely popular! 9 WAYS TO UPLIFT YOURSELF WHEN YOU FEEL UNHAPPY
Talk Things Out
It may be a person you are in a relationship with, co-worker, or family member sit down and talk things out. Remember how good it feels after you've let something out that's been bottled up.
Over the days and years, things tend to escalate or grow. Tensions are worse. Your anger or their anger builds. Things get out of control.
Feelings get hurt. Things are said that people didn't really mean.
It's time to 'lay it out on the table and talk'.
When you have a good listener or you are a good listener, so many things become clear. What once was assumed, now takes on truth. 13 Qualities of a Good Listener — and How to Be a Better One
A peaceful, common ground can evolve. Handshakes and hugs and apologies can happen. It can all be put behind you for the health of everyone.
Let it Go!
Some things can NEVER be talked out. For one reason or the other, no talking is going to help. So, when you determine this, let it go! Move on. Place it in the past.
If it is brought up or if you are confronted with it, plainly state "No disrespect, but I don't want to talk about this".
Draw your line. You've delt with it internally, you've let it go. You do not have to discuss it with anyone. Walk away if you have to.
Death and Missing Someone
Someone you love is gone. You will always miss them. You just crawled in a hole. You are devastated. You are lost. It's okay to grieve. It's okay to miss them terribly. It's okay to cry. It that loved one passed away, remember that loved one would not want you stay in that depressed, unhappy state, would they?
That person loved you too and wants to see you healthy, smiling, and happy. You must take whatever steps you need to become a happier person again. They would want you to smile again. Start here.
- Get a shower every day
- Get dressed
- Get off the couch
- Get out of bed
- Find daily physical activity that makes you FEEL good
- Take a new job
- Start a new hobby
- Get a pet
- Take 2 quiet walks a day
- Write all your memories in a diary
- Find healthier food choices (make a list)
- Read a book
- See a therapist or talk to someone you can confide in
Money Worries
Having more money is in your control. I'm telling this as your friend. You can always make more if you put your mind to it. Get creative. Make something to sell. Bake something to sell. Get a side gig. Sell things you don't use. Take on more hours at work or ask for a raise. There is always something you can do.
Cut your spending. Write down your monthly expenses. Cut where needed. Make food and snacks stretch. Cancel unnecessary subscriptions. Find where you are wasting money and put a stop to it.
Holiday Blues
If you have the holiday blues, ask yourself why? What's the cause of these feelings? Be honest with yourself. Once you have figured out the what's causing it, start working on a solution to pick yourself up.
How can you get rid of the holiday blues?
1. Make different holiday arrangements
Nothing is written in stone. Decline an invite. All you have to say is "I don't feel comfortable attending. Go somewhere you do feel comfortable.
2. Have your own holiday get together.
Start a new tradition. Decorate, music, gifts exchange, holiday games, and each guest can bring a delicious dish for the meal. It's time to feel happy again.
3. Don't accept family drama.
Again, draw your line with the person. Don't tolerate it during the holidays, or any other time!
4. Celebrate the memories of loved ones
Make the holiday a joyous time to share memories, photos, and happy stories about the loved one. Set aside a time at the gathering to honor their memory. Talking and reminiscing can be healing to all.
5. Start Focusing on Your Health
Stop letting the worry you are carrying drag you down. You control it. There are great tips in this post. You can't feel your best if you are depressed, worried, fearful, and stressed. Find activities and hobbies that will make you feel better and talk with your doctor.
To sum it all up—You are in control! Start taking baby steps. It's your responsibility to yourself and your health. Leave the blues behind and move forward with your life.
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