Do you feel tired, sluggish, or depressed all the time?
Is your life crazy busy? Do you work full time, take care of the kids, meals, childcare, all schedules, baths, and so much more?
Are you the one in the household that everyone depends on?
I bet most of you ladies are.
You should keep reading.
There was a time when things were crazy busy in my life too.
Now don't get me wrong, my husband will do whatever I ask him to do. But was he actively looking around and helping us get ahead for the day, the week, or the month? No!
One day, I just snapped! I looked up from folding a mountain of laundry and was watching everyone else doing whatever they wanted. And I was barely finding time in my day to put my own deodorant on! I couldn't take it anymore!
No wonder women are unhappy, depressed, stressed, and totally exhausted. Right? I called a family meeting!
Simple Household Routines to Improve Your Family's Mental Health
Everyone in the Household Helps Out
It's time for some simple changes in your life. Why? Your mental and physical health are in jeopardy.
Do this exercise: Grab a notebook and list the daily tasks you and your spouse do every day. At the bottom. Assign your children 3 or 4 tasks or have the child assist you with the task, such as folding and putting away laundry. Teaching your children to become more organized and responsible will enhance their future life in many ways How to Teach Your Child to Be More Responsible
Ask your husband to help with A, B, and C. If we don't ask, they may never understand that we need help. Sometimes I feel that they are also preoccupied with other responsibilities and worries. Cooperation and communication are both very important!
Set Evening and Bedtime Routines
I cannot stress to you how much this makes a difference. Do the same routine each night. A family needs structure. It is instilling happy habits in your children. Including weekends, you can even extend bedtime by an hour.
- Everyone helps with dinner cleanup (children can clear table, put leftovers in containers, rinse off dishes etc.
- Homework after dinner on the NOW clean dinner table. They can ask you and dad for help while you do other things for yourselves.
- If they get this done, they can have 20 minutes on an electronic device. That's more than enough.
- Layout clothes and books and work things for next day
- Baths, brush teeth, read a book or story.
- Bedtime
Setting routines, makes the rest of the household responsible, accountable, more organized, and working together as a team unit. These are all important lessons to children and simple household routines that will Improve your entire family's mental health.
Parents, you need alone time together and individually. If your children and partner become more responsible, I can tell you that life gets so much easier for moms! Less stress, less worry, less anxiety, and more organized. This benefits the entire household.
Do you have routines in your home? What are they? How have they improved things in your household.
Another great read!
How to make the most out of your morning! We want to share some ways to Jumpstart Your Day with A Healthy Morning Routine. Improve your health and make the most out of your time.
I am CEO of Curly Girl Fitness, Sabrina Williams-Tutt . We offer Fit For Life Activewear and T-Shirts to support Women, Women of Color & Children with natural curls to stay on their fitness journey! Embrace your health. Make wellness and mental health a priority. Be proud of who you are, where you've come from, and most importantly, where your future is headed!
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