3 Ways to Get Into Your Best Shape this Summer



Are you ready to get into your best shape for the Summer? Are you reaching for the phone to call your local gym? No need to join a gym, you can do it right in your own home.


Change your diet.  Not "go on a diet", there's a big difference. Grocery stories are filled with easy-to-grab bags and boxes of cheap processed foods. What happened to growing and eating real, vitamin and nutrient-rich foods? That's what you have to get back to. Get rid of the processed food in your fridge and your pantry.

Visit your local farmer's market or produce section of your local store and fill your cart with whole foods. Research healthy recipes or clean eating recipes on Pinterest or Google. Changing your diet and sticking to it will help your body systems run better and ward off diseases. It will also help you feel better and maintain a healthy weight.


Stay Active. Set aside time each day to be active and don't miss it! This will keep your metabolism working properly and help your body maintain a healthy weight. Needs some ideas?  Swim for 30 minutes every day. Power walk 15 minutes, twice a day. Hop on your bike and go around the block once, then twice and keep going. To get into your best shape this Summer, you must stay active. Find a good fit for your life. Take a look at this list for ideas for staying active.

Keep Your Mind Healthy. How you look and feel depends a lot on your mindset, believe it or not. Living a healthier lifestyle isn't just about exercise and healthy nutrition. It's about thinking positive, being happy and keeping your stress low. Enjoy some peace and quiet time to yourself each day. Make sure that you are getting adequate sleep each night. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health.

Be consistent. Live it every day. Don't be hard on yourself if you miss a day. Life happens, right? Start again the next day. Go ahead, get into your best shape this Summer.

So enjoy being Curly and Fit for Life,

Sabrina Tutt, Founder of Curly Girl Fitness 

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